KidClot Educates
The KidClot program is a leader in innovative strategies for management of anticoagulant therapy with an aim to improve health-related quality-of-life (QOL) for children. Over the years, the Stollery Children’s Hospital KidClot program has focused on improving, validating and standardizing evidence based Warfarin management and has continually refined its program and patient education based on study results, and patient feedback. This provides the foundation for information presented in eKITE.

The goal of eKITE, is to promote greater patient knowledge about their therapy, in addition standardization of training about anticoagulants, warfarin, INR Self-Monitoring, whether for Patient Self-Testing, Patient Self-Management or both. eKITE, will provide a user friendly interface to provide health education about anticoagulation. eKITE will teach concepts to the patient, facilitate sustained patient knowledge (6 month evaluation), reduce stress associated with learning, actively engage patients in their anticoagulant management, and result in cost reduction in time required for patient education.

Who Will Be Involved?

All English-speaking patients / parents who require anticoagulant therapy will be eligible to complete appropriate modules.